Apr 17, 2019
KMCA Membership Meeting Packet 4-25-19 Here is the membership meeting packet for the April 25th meeting. Please note, you do not have to be registered for the conference to attend the meeting. I’m looking forward to seeing everyone. Please let me know if you have any...
Apr 5, 2019
Kentucky Municipal Clerks Institute
Apr 1, 2019
Athenian Dialogue, April 23, Maysville, KY KMCA Spring Conference, April 24-26, Maysville, KY IIMC Annual Conference, May 19-22, Birmingham, AL IIMC Region V Meeting, July 15-16, Cincinnati, OH KMCI, July 22-26, Lexington, KY MMCA, August 21-23, Paducah, KY KLC Annual...
Apr 1, 2019
A KMCA Bylaws amendment was approved by the Governing Board on March 15th. Amending guidelines from the Bylaws are below. Please review the Proposed Amendment and Voting Ballot. Article X – These bylaws may be amended in conjunction with the annual Spring...