
KMCA Certification Information


Certified Kentucky Municipal Clerk (CKMC)

The Kentucky Municipal Clerk Institute (KMCI) is an International Institute of Municipal Clerks (IIMC) approved program designed to enable participants to earn their CKMC designation in three years. Each of the three years consists of 40 hours of training.

To become a Certified Municipal Clerk in the State of Kentucky one must complete 120 hours of training in an IIMC Certified Program. The 120 hours of training includes 50% in Public Administration; 30% in Social and Interpersonal Concerns; and 20% in Electives. Additionally, attendees must be full members of the Kentucky Municipal Clerks Association (KMCA) for two years. Membership information can be found at www.kyclerks.com.

If it becomes necessary, due to extenuating circumstances, to miss credit hours during a 40-hour session of the Institute, missed hours must be completed at a subsequent Institute in order to complete certification. Participants may attend a half-day session if four hours or less are needed or a full-day session if more than four hours are needed. The course(s) taken should correspond as closely as possible to the missed course(s). No course substitutions may be made for KMCI course hours.


Kentucky Master Municipal Clerk (KMMC)

The Kentucky Master Municipal Clerk (KMMC) designation is issued by the Kentucky Municipal Clerk Association (KMCA). A Certified Kentucky Municipal Clerk (CKMC) or Certified Municipal Clerk (CMC) certification and an active KMCA membership are required to apply. This designation requires 100 Education points and 20 Professional and Social Contribution points. The educational points must be obtained by attending 60 hours minimum at Kentucky Master Municipal Clerk Academy and a minimum 20 hours through KMCA Spring Conference programs. If needed, an additional 20 points may be obtained through other educational training sessions. KMCI points CANNOT be used. The 20 Professional and Social Contribution Points can be acquired by holding various officer positions in regional chapters, serving as an active member on the KMCA Board of Directors, serving on KMCA and IIMC committees, attendance at IIMC Region V Conference, and attending other KMCA sponsored training or KLC Annual Conferences. Additionally, being a presenter at a KMCA or IIMC recognized program or a panel member or leader in roundtable discussions at KMCI, MMCA, or Spring Conference are applicable.

Click Here for the KMMC Application


Master Municipal Clerk (MMC)

The MMC designation is issued by IIMC. One must have the CMC designation before you can earn any points toward MMC. It requires 60 Advanced Education points and 40 Professional points, and can be worked on in conjunction with KMMC. Active IIMC membership is also required. More information about earning your MMC designation can be found at www.iimc.com.


If you have any questions regarding any of the clerk related certifications, please contact a member of the KMCA Certification Mentorship Committee.


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